Health cannot be judged by one's body weight. It is the fat muscle ratio that tells if one is really as healthy as one looks. An average middle aged person will have up to 40% of body weight as fat. To be healthy one needs to decrease the fat percentage and increase the muscle mass, because muscles aid in weight loss by burning calories. The only way to build muscles is by working out.
Gaining weight takes a certain amount of dedication and motivation. And it is helpful to consult a doctor and a nutritionist on how best to put on weight. Get specific instructions on what the body needs to achieve in order to gain and maintain a healthy weight.
A properly designed diet and weight training program will help to gain weight and build muscle mass. Exercise is very important for healthy weight gain. Resistance training exercises such as lifting weights will help to increase your muscle size. To maximize the weight lifting workout and to build muscle mass for weight gain, lift hard for a short, intense period of time and then take time to recover until the next workout.
Focus on big exercises such as squats, dead lifts, bent-over rows, chin-ups and bench press. These exercises focus on many muscle groups. They also focus on the muscles that are easiest to build up. One should also increase one's strength by adding a small amount of weight to each workout. If uncertain on what to do and how to do these exercises or to employ this technique of workout, one can get help from a professional trainer or experienced person at the gym. Don't be afraid to ask for help!
Gaining weight with exercise works best when the target is the larger muscles for growth. Push-ups are excellent for adding weight to the upper body. Lunges and squats work best for the thighs while standing heel raises are highly effective for building the calves, which works best on a step. Trying crunches for the abs, and pull ups (if a bar is available) works well for the arms and back. These exercises can be done at a health club, gym or at home with the proper equipments and knowledge.
Aerobic exercises such as running and stationary bicycling are better for fat loss. Excessive aerobic training like running and cycling will burn calories and without extra calories you will lose weight, not gain weight.
To gain muscle weight, your muscles need to grow and get larger. Muscles need high calorie fuel and exercise to grow. Without exercise, muscles cannot grow. Without fuel, exercise will burn calories, not build muscle. Remember though, that weight training raises your metabolic rate, so you will require more calories to maintain the weight gained through added muscle. A combination of proper diet and weight gain supplement will maximize healthy weight gain with added pounds of muscle.
Whenever you see celebrities with perfectly toned bodies, you feel the need to get into shape. It is then that you start with various kinds of diets. But, these diets won’t work unless you also increase your physical activity. A well-balanced diet, along with a regular exercise regime, is the key to good health. With good health and some exercises, that toned body is not very far away. This section carries some essential exercise and fitness tips for people of all age groups and stages of life. So, what are you waiting for? Click on to decide your exercise for tomorrow!
Regular exercise improves cardiovascular endurance by strengthening the heart muscles and improving the lung capacity. It helps to deliver more oxygen to various parts of the body and enables the pulmonary system to increase the amount of oxygen that the lungs can absorb. Exercise helps to lower blood pressure by decreasing the levels of total and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and by increasing the levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (good cholesterol). This lowering of LDL and increasing of HDL reduces the risk of heart attack, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
Regular exercising is also known to reduce the risk of colon cancer and some forms of diabetes. Besides making the heart and lungs strong, exercise increases muscle power, giving people the strength to do things more easily. It also improves motion in joints. Exercise helps one to reduce weight by mobilizing extra fat from the body and allowing it to be used as energy.
By exercising, one’s muscles and joints tend to stretch, which enhances flexibility and aids in preventing injuries. Walking, jogging, and weight training help to strengthen bones, thereby preventing osteoporosis. It is advisable for people with osteoporosis to exercise regularly as it improves function and reduces pain. However, strenuous exercise such as running and jumping should be avoided as this will put unnecessary strain on the joints.
Exercise produces a sense of well-being in a person by increasing the body's level of endorphins (chemicals in the brain that reduce pain). So besides, increasing energy levels, exercise also improves one’s mood and helps relieve depression. By improving one’s health and appearance, exercise can raise one’s self-esteem.
Exercise helps the elderly to function better and remain independent. It makes them less prone to falls and fractures. It increases appetite, reduces constipation and promotes sleep. Once a person stops exercising, the benefits he has accrued will soon ebb and vanish. Blood pressure and body fat will increase, the heart and lungs will grow weak, and HDL will drop. So, exercise as long as you can. But don’t overdo it.
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Grapefruit, or Citrus paradisi as it is botanically known, is a juicy
fruit that belongs to the same family as the orange, sweet lime, and
lemon. The fruit is available in both seedless as well as
seed-containing varieties. Loaded with vitamin C, grapefruits are useful
in fighting colds and boosting the immunity in general. They have also
been found to be beneficial to people suffering from arthritic
conditions and respiratory allergies by virtue of their ingredients,
which have antioxidant properties.
Grapefruits owe their beautiful and bright red or pink colors to a
carotenoid known as lycopene. This phytonutrient is not only a powerful
antioxidant, but also an anti-tumor agent. Studies have shown that men
who consume foods that are rich in lycopene such as grapefruits, guavas,
papaya, apricots, tomatoes, and watermelon are less prone to suffer
from prostatic enlargement and cancer.
Limonoids, another group of phytonutrients present in grapefruits,
are capable of facilitating detoxification of a number of compounds in
the liver so as to keep many diseases at bay. The glucarates in
grapefruits are helpful in preventing breast cancer.
The fruit has a good amount of pectin in it, which is a form of soluble
fiber. This is useful in reducing the absorption of consumed fats,
thereby lowering the cholesterol levels of the body and preventing
atherosclerosis and hypertension in the bargain.
Drinking grapefruit juice daily makes the urine more alkaline in its
pH and thus reduces the risk of developing calcium oxalate kidney
stones. The juice has also been found to offer protection against lung
and colon cancer. Therefore, it is advisable for smokers to eat this
fruit or drink its juice regularly to decrease their chances of
suffering from bronchogenic carcinoma. It has recently been established
that grapefruit also has insulin-lowering properties and is therefore
indispensible in the management of diabetes mellitus naturally.
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